Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No Brainer

Simple question. Go to work and get payed or go on vacation and get payed?

Simple answer. Go on vacation and get payed!

Then why do we always keep thinking that we have to put in 8-10 hours of work in everyday?
We think this way because that is the way we are programmed since birth. This is not just the school system, it is also your job, your friends, your situation, everything.

Would you rather get underpayed, and overworked? Would you risk your families future because the moment you get sick or injured on the job, your health plan clearly states in the not so clear fineprint that they don't cover your type of illness?

On the other hand you could be making massive amounts of wealth. You could be getting payed what my collegues and I make in a month, what most people make in a year. (If you think $12/hour is good, you have been brainwashed)

With a top of the line marketing system and call center taking care of the dirty work, all that is left for most of us is to sit back with a cold one and watch the numbers roll in.

If you think you would be interested in the opportunity pretty much given to you then, don't hesitate drop me a line or a quick email. You can also have instant access to our website by going to this link:


My Phone #

My Email:

Looking forward to working with you,

Jonathon Jack

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